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Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Mexican Trash TV

There's a channel in Dallas, Channel 29, that has all sorts of mexican knock-offs of trashy American TV programs. They have 2 Jerry-Springer-type shows, one hosted by a hot blonde older Mexican woman (Maria Laria, who is also a concert pianist - I googled her) who has a voice that is a cross between Cyndi Lauper and a circular saw. It's the vocal equivalent of a cheese grater. The other show, "Jose Luis Sin Censura", is even wilder than Springer, with literall everyone in the audience willing and able to throw down with any of the people on stage at any moment. Both shows, like Sproinger, have a veritable army of huge muscly dudes that are paid to break up fights. On these Mexican shows, they let the fights go a few more seconds, though. The end product is a wild and pointless orgy of pseudoreal violence. It's fun. If you're able to, I would definitely check them out.

They also copy dating shows with the "this-is-how-you'd-expect-a-low-budget-dating-show-to-look" Buscando Amor, where a guy and a girl in studio comment on a date that 2 average-to-good-looking people are having. The best parts of the dates, imo, are the cruddy restaurants the producers spring for -- I've actually seen a date end up at Arby's -- and the cruddy hot tub that the producers provide, which many dates either sink or swim in, literally. It's fun to watch dates storm out in a huff when a hot tubbing is requested.

The really fun thing I discovered just today is a cross between "Jose Luis Sin Censura" and "Divorce Court". There, they have one huge baliff try to stop the guy and the girl who's relationship has soured from b-slapping each other into the first row. Then witnesses come in for each of the parties, and they start fighting as well. The judge pounds his gavel a lot and yells a lot, and manages to look surprised when the wife's brother tackles the husband as the husbands' sister pushes the wife into a wall. Great fun.

They also show terrible, terrible Mexican action movies that make my dog ill. Or maybe that's just his food.


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