This is Epth Nation

Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

This Just In: Rock the Vote is Biased

Not to harp on this MTV voting thing, because it's obvious to all that they want to get Kerry elected, but check out the Rock the Vote Blog. There's an extremely one-sided and glowing explanation of what labor unions are. Hmm...where are they pushing the young voter, I wonder?

One might also note the all the talk about swing states and influencing elections. Once again, I have to ask...if this is all non-partisan, why all this talk about the youth vote deciding the election?

In reality this is all about certain people wanting to give all young people an interest group that fights for their issues, kind of the flip side of AARP. There are as many issues as there are young people, however, and no monolithic organization can represent them all. My favorite paragraph of the Rock the Vote blog:

And don’t forget, on Election Day, the work is only half done. The next task is making them respond to the agenda afterwards. So stick around while we push our elected officials to raise the age of eligibility for family health insurance plans and replace college loans with grants.

That's what these young people want? How much money is that brilliant plan going to cost us? i thought we wanted to get out of debt? I hope they're prepared to see children starve to pay for their free education!

Hey wait! I have college loans! Go youth! Rock that vote!


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