This is Epth Nation

Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Monday, September 20, 2004

I Smoke Therefore I Am

Why is it that "finding yourself" these days involves constantly rationalizing really stupid and self-destructive things? Why can't it involve going to the store and buying some cereal, and figuring out you don't like the corn flakes your mom bought, and you like raisin bran instead? Why does it have to involve stuff everybody knows is totally worthless/unhealthy/potentially destructive? Smoking is a great example...why do people start smoking? A desire to become addicted to something that people hate? A desire to look cool? Who thinks smoking looks cool? Seriously, who thinks that? Is there some mind control device planted by Big Tobacco in every college dorm room in America?

These are just things I'm honestly wondering, because I don't understand. Is it the parenting? The bad parenting that causes kids to hate their parents? The good parenting that kids want to break free from and rebel against? Society's pressure to "sow your stupid oats while you're young"? A desire to forget problems?

If you think I'm weird...please forgive me. If anyone knows the answer, please tell me. It's buggin' me.


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