This is Epth Nation

Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Angelika White Theater.

Just got home from The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. If found it to be good, but I like sad movies with a great attention to detail. It's really an interesting movie. But I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about all the hipsters that were down at the Angelika Film Center in Dallas, and really the hipsters that pervade all area around independant theaters. They were cloggin up the roads with their BMWs and Lexuses, and they bother me. It's not my place to judge them, and they're not really doing anything wrong, but they still bother me.

You see, they all want to be at the hot spot, right? Doing the hot thing? See and be seen? I'm so far removed from that I literally don't know why they all converge on the Angelika Theater district at 4pm on a Saturday. Is it to catch the Matinee'? Isn't the Matinee' something people who aren't cool enough are interested in? Are they trying to be artsy? Are they trying to impress somebody? Do they love being around people who are as white as them? All the different kinds of hipsters are there -- hipster teens in packs like really hot wolves who would get eaten in the real wild; hipster young adults who should be at school or Denny's or something and probably are actually there for the movies (of course the girls got all dolled up for it anyway to impress the disheveled-haired boys, who clearly want to appear aloof); hipster parents trying to recapture their youth and who think they're better than everyone else there; people trying to make a hipster statement with their clothing.

(To take a side trip here for a second, can we please get away from the idea that clothing is a means of self-expression? It is to cover our nakedness, nothing more. Anything more is vanity. Yes, this statement probably makes me crazy, but I'm convinced the world would be up to 27% happier if we weren't finding it necessary to look cool all the time. I mean, we fall back on the idea that we are "expressing ourselves", but often what we are expressing is not a statement at all but a desire for attention or even worse something we will regret saying later, like the 5th grader who wore the parachute pants to school and was remembered for it years later (I wish I could remember that kid's name -- Mike Schmidt?) . I say, F all that, we cannot be trusted to say things with our clothes. After years of shawls and Chic jeans, we've lost our clothing-expression privledges. Say it with me, "clothing is not a means of self-expression". Maybe I'll put that on a t-shirt.)

Anyway, back to the white people at the Angelika. I've figured out that this is why people overseas hate us -- they sees us as either "red-staters" (inbred hicks in pickups with a hint of *gasp* Christianity and *double gasp* Moralizing), or "blue staters" (white people who are selfish and arrogant posers who drive Lexuses and waste money on all sorts of crap and then turn around and criticise people for driving SUVs or not recycling.) They don't realize that even though the counrty is divided in terms of political parties, we are a nation of individuals. There are some countries where this is a concept they do not understand at all. They view life collectively, in community with one another. This makes them different, but we do not hate them even though things like Hitler and Stalin happen because of it. We rescue them.

What I'm trying to say is I can't hate the people at the Angelika even if they think they're better than me (which sounds like paranoia, actually -- the reality is they probably never noticed me. Those snobs). They're human beings just like me, even if they do waste too much time in the bathroom.


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