This is Epth Nation

Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Everybody Likes Community Quick Hits, Part Part.

Yesterday I got to work after having a well-deserved day off and I couldn't get into my office. No, I hadn't been fired, my key just wouldn't work in either of the doors I need to pass through to get to my closet. I had to get a manager to open my doors for me. Then last night the locksmith came back and was working on the doors, but when I came in this morning my key still did not work in either door. There is literally nothing in this world I hate more than imposing on people or asking them for help. Nothing. And they're making me do it every day. Gurgle gurgle, that's bile in my throat. I guess I shouldn't make such a big deal about this, but my closet is supposed to be a secure area -- that's why it's tucked away and has all this cool stuff in it. I now have to keep it unlocked all day, because there is no way in heck I am going to ask somebody for the same help twice in one day. Nuh-uh. So that's mildly frustrating.

All indications are I'll be moving again in a month or so back towards where I was before, if not in the exact same spot. At least I got to show off my skills last weekend during inventory. I won my part of inventory, and got much congratulations. I can't tell you any more than that, because I am very sensitive to work's needs for privacy. I will just mention that inventory exists, and I rule at it.

My Super Sweet Sixteen's first "season" is almost over. Next week is the finale, and that means it lasted 6 shows. What will I do on Tuesdays at 9:30 CST now? I think I'll take up smoking. Anyway, if I forget to say it: MTV, congrats on another really stupidly entertaining show.

I still haven't gotten used to watching one Alias a week yet. I've found a good site to "time-shift" it since I work on Wed. nights. I started something about Season Three then forgot about it. I hope I can find it! Ok, starting now, I will have better organization. What I really need is a secretary. A hot secretary. I wonder if my wife is available to do that.


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