This is Epth Nation

Epth is a state of mind, not a place. Reading this will give you a virtual drivers license in that state, but you'll still need to be 21 to purchase alcohol. And you can't get any there anyway, so stop asking.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Quickly, Survivor

Last Thursday lots of things happened on Survivor, or at least lots of things seemed to happen. You never can tell with the heavy editing. Anyhoo, I must join with the rest of America in rooting for the massively awesome team of Ian the skinny dolphin trainer and Tom the firefighter who can hold his breath for a ridiculous amount of time while pulling a metal box. I don't really care about any of the rest of these people as of yet, not even that pale girl with the tatoos that needs to put a fricking shirt on so CBS doesn't have to break their pixellation budget for the year. Seriously, this is why they give you a buff, so you won't have to swim in your half-bra all day.

Congrats to the young lame team for voting off the girl that didn't want to be there, and congrats to Ibrahim for not voting for her out of loyalty. Of course, that vote was like me voting Libertarian in Texas, he knew it didn't matter and was free to be loyal. But it was a nice gesture on a show that never rewards nice gestures.

It was a pretty good episode for one that had very little drama. I loved the flint rescue and the immunity challenge, and the fact that the young tribe doesn't seem to have ironclad alliances yet. It's quite a change from last year, where from week one you you tell that the weak and annoying had banded together to eliminate the strong. Thankfully they have had hard challenges where strong people are needed -- both tribes are probably afraid of losing too many people. Chris would not have won this year because people would have recognized him as a scheming pussbag with no skills.

That is all.


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