Rough Notes on Glory Road
It’s like the American south in the 60’s as translated through
Lots of obligatory scenes. Obligatory black kids singing 50's songs scene. Obligatory “
The racists in this film are so non-commital, like they don’t intend to be racist…”He doesn’t need those kids to win, does he?” The lynchers give the kid a swirly, for pete’s sake.
They’re mixing up the eras of trash-talking. “Bad” didn’t mean good until at least the 80’s. Why not yo mama jokes as well? Why not baggy shorts and people saying “You go girl”?
It’s a cheesy Disney movie with cheesy Disney dialogue. The songs are oppressive and gave me Forrest Gump flashbacks. Josh Davis is horrible. Kevin Costner would have been an improvement, so says my wife. But not Ben Affleck (who almost took the part), so says my wife.
When did Texas Western become UTEP?*** Is it because of the black people?
Is that the chick from Fresh Prince of Bel Aire? Is that Devin Harris? Isn’t this an excessive amount of dunks for a 60’s game? Weren’t dunks outlawed until the 70’s?****
Coach lets them play “black,” they start winning. Racist. Bobby Knight must be rolling over in his
They play 2000’s-style dunk-ball. This is why we’re getting beat in the Olympics, btw.
*Specifically "Remember the Titans," another disneyized retelling of a "true" story of a team being integrated and overcoming racism. But also every other movie involving race relations. You'd know what I'm talking about if you saw it.
** It was admittedly funny when the mom sat behind the kid, but any claims the movie had at being serious or relevant went out the window during the scene. She might as well have been played by Martin Lawrence -- if you're going to do wacky, go all out.
*** Answer: 1967, a year after the events of this movie.
**** Answers, in order: Yes, no, yes, no.
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