St. Louis Pictures
1) The Edward Jones Dome, which many sarcastically call the Howard Jones Dome, where no-one is to blame.
2) The Wondrous Atrium of the Terry Gilliamesqually-designed Embassy Suites. This is the fountain. Free beer was located to the right.
3) Every city should have an Arch.
4) Street-level view of New Busch Stadium. I saw signs on Hwy 44 in Missouri that said, "The Cardinals pay for our roads, we'll pay for their stadium." They turned out to be half-right, the poor baseball-hating losers.
5) View of the arch from the museum's entrance line. Looks like a Pink Floyd album cover, IMO.
At 12:39 AM, Danny said…
you got a nice angle on the arch there...kind of punny in some way I think. I'll have to think about that one. Get back to you later.
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